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Alden Terrace School Hosts University Day

Alden Terrace School Hosts University Day  thumbnail260138

To introduce students to colleges and future interests, Alden Terrace School recently hosted University Day.

Each class was assigned a specific college or university, and they created video presentations depicting their schools. During the assembly, the entire building came together to watch the student-made videos. Student Council members shared definitions and facts about different types of colleges and universities. There were also guest speakers, including an Elmont graduate who spoke about their college and career experiences. Ms. Hubbard and the Step Team gave a demonstration, as well.

Additionally, sixth graders were able to tour Adelphi University via Zoom and heard from university representatives about majors, minors, dorm life and more.

“These meaningful presentations give our scholars a glimpse of what college is all about,” Principal Shawnee Warfield said. “We learned about how the knowledge and experience gained in college can help us to become our future selves. I always tell my students, you truly can be whatever you want to be when you grow up!”

Date Added: 6/27/2024

Alden Terrace School Celebrates International Day

Alden Terrace School Celebrates International Day thumbnail259096

Alden Terrace School students celebrated countries and cultures around the world during International Day on May 21.

Each grade-level was assigned a different country to research its culture, currency, cuisine and more, with many locations coinciding with their in-class curriculum. Pre-K students had Japan, kindergarteners had the United States, first graders had Italy, second graders had Kenya, third graders had Brazil, fourth graders had the Netherlands, fifth graders had Mexico, sixth graders had Turkey and ABA students had Egypt.

The students collaborated on hallway and classroom displays, inviting families in to view projects and presentations.

As part of International Day, the entire school community also collaborated on a “Let the World Be Your Bookmark” bulletin display. Faculty, students, custodians, cafeteria staff and families shared key facts and details about their native countries and traditions. This project helped to promote inclusivity and community.

Click here to view the photo slideshow.

Date Added: 5/31/2024